Could a career coach help you? Take our short quiz to find out


Sometimes we get so immersed in our day to day lives that we forget (or don’t have time) to step back and ask ourselves whether what we do is still right for us. Rejuvenate coaching is here to help you re-evaluate your present and future and get you a career that suits your values, skills and lifestyle.

Imagine waking up in the morning and looking forward to going to work. It is possible and many of us love our jobs. You deserve to spend your time in fulfilling employment. Take the quiz to find out just how ready you are for career coaching:

  1. Do you ever feel like you are on a treadmill and want to get off?

  2. Do you ever wish for more fulfilment and motivation at work?

  3. Are you ready for your next step or challenge but are not sure what that looks like yet? 

  4. Do you feel like you have been following a path you didn't actively choose and are now stuck in a rut?

  5. Do you find yourself making excuses as to why you are not happy with your current work situation?

  6. Do you want to try something else but feel that lack of confidence or old habits and fears are holding you back?

  7. Are you on the right career path but there are some current challenges you would like to deal with?

  8. Do you need greater life work balance but don’t see how to make it happen?

  9. Do you have an idea of what you’d like to change but don’t know how to make this happen?

  10. Are you willing to break free from old habits that don’t serve you well and also work towards making positive changes in your life?

  11. Can you commit time to regular coaching sessions and some homework in-between?

  12. Have you ever wished for an open, non-judgemental, confidential space to help you decide what to do next and examine what’s been holding you back?

If you answer yes to 3 or more of these questions, then it sounds like you would benefit from a process of re-evaluation that could be life changing

career adviceCat Woodquiz